Telecommunications and information technologies  » in Montenegro funded by the European Commission

Technical Assistance to analyse differences in interpretation of Technical
Specifications in Contract 2011/264838 with EUROTEL – Digitalisation (DVB-T2) of the Montenegrin Publ

Profile:  Expert   in Economics, Finance

Qualifications and skills:-University degree at a masters   degree level or at least 15 years of professional
General professional experience:
-At least 10 years of   professional experience in dealing with TV broadcasting
equipment (including experience   in procurement and/or design and/or installing and/or maintenance of TV   broadcasting equipment).
Specific professional experience:
-Experience related to TV digital   broadcasting equipment (including work with
transmitters and/or gap fillers   and/or diplexers and/or head-end equipment and/or network management software   under DVB-T2 standard)
-Experience with EU funded   contracts issues and/or Technical Specifications for
EU funded contracts
Language Skills:
-Excellent spoken and written   English;
-Fluency in one of local languages   (Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin or Bosnian), both written and spoken would be   an asset.
Senior (at least 10 years of experience)
30 working days

ic Broadcasting